
Summary of Beliefts

The Trinity

The term trinity is not a Bible word, but rather, a theological concept. The KJV and NKJV use the term GodHead and this seemed like a good Bible name for the Triune God. Unfortunately, modern translations don't use this term and just speak of divinity in general. Therefore the word Trinity is a theological term, not found in the Bible, but a concept that can be scripturally supported.

The Trinity is one God revealed in three persons. Each independent in thought but each sharing the same divine attributes: eternality, omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.

The Father, or as named most of the time in scripture, God. The source of the divine attributes and judge of creation who sent his son to die for His creation.

Jesus has two natures, one physical and the other divine. Jesus is obedient to the Father, yet due to his begotten eternal existence, is himself fully God with total authority as the Firstborn over all creation.

The Holy Spirit shares the same divine attributes, yet can act independently of the other divine persons. He dwells in the life of the believer and sanctifies us till the last day and hands out gifts.

There is unity in purpose, yet independence of will at the same time. All three persons draw from the same divine attributes, making them One.


The leaders of the church who will be held accountable for the church on judgement day. They should be mature, married, and be leaders of their homes. Known also as bishops & overseers. They are the pastors of the church and are the primary teachers. They should always be in a group and no church has just one elder.


Deacons are servants that have similar qualifications to elders. They are over specific ministries in the church and will probably become elders someday. Even so, they are not junior elders, should not be voting equally with elders, and should report to the elders like the preacher would.


Biblically known as an evangelist, the one who is responsible for exhorting the church and evangelism. He could become an elder over time, as elders are given their office by reputation. If a preacher becomes an elder, it is preferable to call all the elders/bishop/pastors by the same title to not imply one is over the others.


Marriage is only between a man and woman. Male and Female are defined at birth, which corresponds to their genitalia (unless there is a birth defect). Gender is not malleable, nor can it be changed on a whim. You are born one gender or the other. Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder, not a problem of biology.


It is a sin and an abomination before God. Those who condone the activity are just as bound to hell.


The murder of an unborn child, in the womb of the mother. This is sin pure and simple. Mothers can be forgiven, as well as the fathers who paid for such acts of violence. Repentance can bring salvation and lost children can be visited in heaven.

Critical Race Theory

CRT is founded on Marxist tenets and should not be celebrated, taught, or entertained in the church. It is pure racism and instills false guilt into the body of Christ.

Trans Issues

"Trans" is a societal construct, meaning it doesn't exist except in the minds of depraved adults who indoctrinate young people into this most reprehensible ideology. Jesus spoke of millstones for those who would harm children in this way and the church should be outraged against hormone blockers and sex change operations for preteens. Unfortunately, most Christians simply do not understand the depravity here and mistake this issue as healthcare and not child abuse.

Women's Role in the Church

Women do not make the final decisions or teach the men. Therefore, women should not be elders or the preacher.  Also, Deacons are to be the husbuand of one wife also.  Deacon Ministries should be headed by men.


The Biblical position is that alcohol is permissible in a medicinal way in dealing with life's stresses and killing germs, but its abuse is very dangerous. Alcohol is not for "priest and kings" meaning if you are a decision maker, alcohol will make clear thinking difficult. Taking all the verses in context, alcohol in moderation in not sinful; but today's alcohol is so potent, I recommend we not drink alcohol anymore.


The time and place of salvation. No power in the water, but power in obedience to the divine command to have your sins washed away. Baptism is not a work. Exceptions should be exceptional and not an excuse to not be baptized if one possibly could.

Worship Styles

The New Testament church did not use instruments and we should ask, “Why?" This hearkens back to a simpler time as music has become very showy in modern services. I recommend a simpler service, appropriate for the people in the area. Instruments should not dominate a service and lyrics should be analyzed for doctrinal integrity.

It has been noticed, that many contemporary song leaders that compose most of the music sung today, have become atheist or have joined the LGBT movement. This has happened so often we need to acknowledge that something is seriously wrong with modern Christian music. If the song leaders are leaving the faith, why are we singing their songs?

Concerning visitors, if converts must be entertained to commit their life to Christ, then frankly, they are not ready to become Christians. Worship is for God by Christians, therefore, visitors should have zero consideration in what we sing or play in a service.


I reject Calvinism, based upon their false assertion that freely accepting Christ violates God's sovereignty. The accompanying doctrines of once saved always saved, total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, and irresistible grace are rejected as well. We are to choose Christ and not wait for a sign of election. We are saved when we respond and obey the gospel.

End Times & Revelation

Jesus is coming back, the dead in Christ will rise first, everyone is gathered for a judgement and the sheep go to heaven and the goats go to hell. Hell that punishes eternally. I reject Dispensational Pre-Millennialism as obviously false and dangerous. I am Semi-Preterist in my eschatology, or more simply: a lot of New Testament prophecy was fulfilled within the first generation of Jesus' first coming, yet He is still coming back to raise the "quick and the dead."


6, 24 hour days. Dinosaurs were on the ark. Noah was in a worldwide flood that covered all the mountains. The earth is thousands of years old. Natural selection is the mechanism evolutionists use to explain the evolution of life and is rejected because God is not so cruel as to use death and suffering to create life.

Apostolic Gifts (tongues, prophecies)

No longer accessible to Christians, as the Apostles died 2000 years ago and only they could pass these gifts on by the laying on their hands.

Covid and the Church's Response

The media and government used our love for one another against us and turned our Biblical mandate of “following the ruling authorities” into breaking our Lord's command of “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” The lock downs were built upon lies as everything they told us turned out not to be true: asymptomatic spread was a myth, the number of deaths were exaggerated, mask and distancing were ineffective, and there were simple remedies available, all now admitted to by the CDC. Eventually we all figured out that the virus was just like any other virus throughout history: if you have symptoms stay home, but if you felt fine, you should have been in church. This information was available, but because of rampant censorship on the internet and the mainstream news media peddling fear, millions quit attending church for something very few people were vulnerable to. What will your church do when they impose more illegal mandates when the next major "crisis" arises? My concern is, if churches cease services again, they may never recover. This is a time of testing for the church and we need to be just as discerning of the news and government as we are with the scriptures. Are we not essential? ​
